The Art of Holding Space - Continuing Education for Teachers
Dates: August 31 - Sept 2, 2019, 9 am - 6 pm
Location: Evovle Yoga, Berlin
This 3-day CET is open to teachers and serious students that are interested in deepening their practice and teaching. This training will focus on how we can build mindfulness in relationship with one another as human beings and how we can use mindfulness and felt sense in our own bodies to truly hold space for another. We will delve deep into the art of assisting, touch and reading another's energy through verbal and non-verbal communication. Every morning will start with ceremony and a juicy Forrest Yoga practice where we will connect deeply to our body's wisdom. The afternoons will address teaching, assisting and holding space - we will cover many delicious Forrest Yoga assists, seeing and reading energy, partner exercises that help us uncover what stands in the way of true, deep connection with another. Being in relationship with another teaches us a lot about ourselves - this can be a deep learning experience even if you are not a teacher.
As teachers (or bodyworkers or parents) , we are in a unique position of either getting out of the way to allow another's personal process to unfold or getting caught in our own stories in the process. We will learn how to deeply connect and hold space for a human being in an accepting way that welcomes all aspects and parts of the person into the room - not just the convenient parts. The holding space aspect of this CET will hold for any relationship in life - as partners, parents, teachers, body workers.
Personal Investiment: 360 Euros