Resilience in SoftnessHello to everybody, my name is Alexandra. I am a writer, yoga teacher and mum of two kids. In the first half of my life, I was pretty...
Let it all go ... (German)Ich bin momentan am Aussortieren, am Kistenpacken, am Vorbereiten. Denn ich ziehe um. Dabei fiel mir eine CD meiner Lieblingsband aus...
Let it all go ... (English)I am currently sorting out, packing boxes, preparing. Because I'm moving. While doing so, a CD of one of my favorite bands from when I...
Balance to Feed the SoulBalance in life is something we hear about often, and something that we constantly try to find. One day, you feel like you found some...
New LifeNew life. There are a few monumental moments where I remember experiencing the miracle of new life, and new growth. The first time I...
What We Talk About When We Talk About “Common Humanity”A few years ago, when I decided I wanted to teach mindfulness, I struggled with what to call my business. I didn’t want my name to be...
Forrest Yoga - An update from my bodyIt occurred to me that my body is an interesting and fairly well-controlled scientific experiment. What happens if you practise Ashtanga...
Re-Igniting Life with Forrest YogaEvery morning of the last decade, as I popped in my thyroid pill, I have looked at the swelling around my wrists and ankles, the dark...