Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program

This mentorship will explore the teaching process in depth, how it is intimately connected with our personal process and also build a deep sense of trust in community and our ability to hold each other with love and care through this process. We will learn how to connect to our gifts as teachers, while feeling into what holds us back from our full potential. As part of the teaching process, we will also go deeper into assists, how to bring the utmost love and care when we touch and what it means to hold space for a student for their own process to unfold in a manner that is free of expectations and force. The group will be small and consist of between six to ten trainees to allow for individual time, space and safety to deepen into the process.
The mentorship is open to teachers of any style that are interested in deepening their teaching and practice.
Face-to-Face meeting Dates: Nov 17-24, 2024
Location: Evolve Yoga, Friedenau, Berlin
Cost: 1350 Euros
Early Bird : 1200 Euros for full payment by July 30, 2024 (put a 200 e deposit down to secure your spot)
Discount 10% for folks repeating the mentorship program
Group Skype/Zoom Calls: 4 group skype or zoom calls in between the face-to-face meetings
Individual Calls: 2 Individual skype call mid-way between the group calls to track evolution and issues individually.