The Web of Connection - Workshop Series
Dec 21-22, 2019
@ Sukha Yoga Cologne

This is a time of year when many of us struggle with finding our place in connection. We sometimes struggle with family connections, expectations, triggers and find ourselves losing our sense of self. And yet, we so desperately want to connect authentically to those around us. The very web of community that sometimes hurts and triggers, is also necessary for us to survive as humans. How can we learn to connect to the web of community in way that we can stay true to ourselves? Sometimes it helps to start our exploration of connection in a like-minded community (such as our yoga community). Let's feel for what it takes to bring our shielding down and soften so we can connect to our immediate community. Let’s feel for what stands in the way of true, authentic connection and what aspects of connection instigate withdrawal or fear. Let’s feel for what comes up when we stay present to what happens within us as we connect to another. Let’s feel for what happens when we stay authentic to ourselves, our needs, our sense of ourselves, as we connect into the web of community. Let’s feel for how we respond, when we are able to connect to another through the human experience of vulnerability - we all share the similar fears, have the similar aspirations and dreams, similar needs, even if our specific stories are different. We all need to love and have the need to be loved and accepted - let's create an environment where this is possible within community.
Workshop 1: Dec 21 Morning workshop - 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
De-Armouring to Weave the Web :
This workshop will begin with ceremony - setting the intent using the Four Directions and chanting with drumming. This back-bending asana practice will focus on gently, organically bringing the armouring we carry around the front of the body down, from a place of grounding. A practice where we can really feel for the web of connection with one another, despite our histories. This practice will help us connect to what holds us back in our connection with community and help us feel into what steps we need to take, to reconnect.
Workshop 2: Dec 21 Afternoon Workshop - 3 - 5:30 pm
Weaving the Web of Connection:
This workshop will deepen into the morning’s theme. The practice will include a short pranayama and asana practice to connect back into the body. We will deepen into the learning’s from the morning via partner exercises, journaling and build a support system that allows us to taken in the support of the community. We will feel into our patterns of holding back, our patterns of losing ourselves and explore what we need to be able to stay connected to a true sense of ourselves while connecting to another.
Workshop 3: Dec 22 Morning Workshop - 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Letting go through Grounding:
We are aware that there are aspects of connecting with another human that we simply cannot control. There are aspects of connection that are scary and make us vulnerable. In this workshop we explore how to stay grounded through that vulnerability. We learn how to use our anchors - our bodies, to stay present through the difficulties and unknowns of relationship. This workshop will start with the four directions, chanting and drumming and end with a deep, sweet yoga-nidra to integrate the process from the weekend.
Personal Investment:
Early Bird price for the full workshop booked before the Nov 20th: 145€
Regular Price for the full workshop: 155€
Single sessions: 55€/45€